Wednesday, July 31, 2019

St. Quiteria Essay

St. Quiteria John 15:13 â€Å"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. † Are you willing to lay down for your life for your brothers and sisters in Christ? St. Quiteria and her sisters were not afraid to risk their lives to free Christians and wage war to stop others from being persecuted. St. Quiteria was born in the 2nd century in the city of Minho, Portugal to a mother that had nine daughters and was discussed by this.The mother had ordered the maid to kill her children but she disobeyed and sent them to a nearby village where they grew up and became good Christians. At this time in the 2nd century many Christians were being persecuted and many killed for their religions beliefs by Roman rule. In the 2nd century Rome ruled almost all of Europe and part of the Middle East. Later in life St. Quiteria and her sisters were brought before their father, who wanted them to marry Roman officials. They refused, which enraged their father who impr isoned them in a town.The sisters eventually broke out of the tower and freed all the persecuted Christians inside. Then waged a guerilla war against the Romans. St. Quiteria and her sisters were later caught and executed. I believe we need more people like St. Quiteria still today to fight persecutions here in America and other countries. I believe people should stick up for others who are being bullied and persecuted. I believe we need to fight for what we believe in and not let others fight us and do nothing about it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare London by William Blake and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth Essay

William Blake wrote the poem â€Å"London,† set in the 1790s in the aftermath of the French Revolution, it is also the time of the industrial revolution. London is expanding rapidly and poverty is commonplace. It is a time of great wealth existing alongside great poverty. Therefore Blake describes two categories of people. Indeed he uses the most unfortunate sections of society to demonstrate this existence. In verse three he talks about the â€Å"hapless Soldiers sigh runs in blood down palace walls.† From this quotation one would insinuate that Blake is stating the wealthy are building their luxury lifestyles of the suffering of the poor, i.e. V3 â€Å"The youthful Harlot† and V4 â€Å"The Hapless Soldier.† Etc. The diction used in this poem creates an intense mood/atmosphere of depression or suffering, â€Å"Marks of weakness, marks of woe† is used to describe what he meets as he wanders the streets of London. Importantly the repetition of â€Å"every† in the second stanza, is used to emphasise the impact poverty creates on peoples life’s. Spread throughout the entire poem are words which imply that poverty is the dominant lifestyle. V1 â€Å"Marks of weakness, marks of woe† V2 â€Å"cry, fear, ban, manacles.† V3 â€Å"Cry, blackning, appals, hapless, blood.† V4 â€Å"Curse, blasts, tear, blights, plagues.† This clever diction not only sets the mood but effectively influences the readers conclusion or interpretation of the poem. â€Å"Composed Upon Westminster Bridge† by William Wordsworth is written in the form of a sonnet. A traditional format used at that time. It is a fourteen line poem. He opens with a surprising statement, â€Å"Earth has nothing to show more fair.† As most writers at this time would have described the beauty of rural areas. His opinion of the city is the complete opposite to that of Blake’s perhaps this is due to Wordsworth viewing the city from a different perspective at a different time of day i.e. early morning. In comparison to â€Å"London† which focuses on the place and its people. â€Å"Composed Upon Westminster Bridge† concentrates on London as a s place. â€Å"Dull would he be of soul who could pass by a sight so touching in its own majesty.† Implies that a person who could pass by without noticing the â€Å"majestic† sight would be without sensitivity. The city is personified in the fourth line of the poem, â€Å"this city now doth like a garment† the personification used in conjunction with the simile of â€Å"like a garment..† makes the scene much more personal. Wordsworth lists the imposing landmarks in line six, which can distinguishes that he is relating to the wealthily side of London. The air is â€Å"smokeless† which clarifies that it is early morning, before industry begin, maybe this is why he believes that no scene from nature is as splendid as London. â€Å"Never did sun more beautifully steep, in his first splendour, valley, rock or hill. Ne`er saw I, never felt a calm so deep.† From analysing both poems it appears that the significant difference between â€Å"Composed Upon Westminster Bridge† and â€Å"London† is the deeply contrasting description about their place. Two every different opinions are presented, in every different perspectives. Perhaps Wordsworths is a misconception of the reality as he is from the north of England, and viewing London as a wealthy outsider. In the other hand Blake was from London and was not wealthy. Different opinions, different times, different lifestyles are the causes of these two exceptionally differentiating poems. The next two poems I will be comparing are â€Å"Epic† and â€Å"Shamcoduff† both were written by Patrick Kavanagh around the 1940s Kavanagh lived on a small farm in Monaghan close to the border with Armagh. He wrote his early poetry while still working on the farm. â€Å"Epic† tells of the dispute between two farmers over a part of an acre, â€Å"half a rood of rock.† The title is ironic as epic suggests that it would be a grand story involving important events, but it is actually quiet the opposite. Kavanagh compares the small dispute with the great event of Troy which started through a small row. For a time he thought the events of the outside world was more important than his personal life. He compares the â€Å"year of the Munich bother† with the situation and questions himself about â€Å"which was most important.† This suggests that he believes his own lifestyle, position in life and indeed place takes priority over the global affecting events. Kavanagh creates a personal feeling by using names of local town lands such as â€Å"Ballyrush† and â€Å"Gortin.† This creates as sense of familiarity. The concluding line â€Å"Gods make their own importance† implies that men make their own position in life. Which is what I believe he is striving to do with this poem.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How to Survive an Ied

Paper – Process Analysis Rough Draft Discussion: Writer’s Workshop – Process Analysis Rough Draft– This topic is designed to assist you with your writing and editing skills. When you have completed your rough draft of the Process Analysis paper, post it here. Then, review another student posting and offer advice on how he or she can improve his or her paragraph. For example, you may note that the author of the paragraph has failed to support his or her topic sentence fully. Give that person advice on how he or she can add details that will make the paragraph more compelling.Or, you may wish to practice your grammar and punctuation skills on your fellow students by reviewing a paragraph or two for errors. Paper: Process Analysis – This paper is due week eight This week you will expand from paragraph to essay. Because this is a longer paper, please use this week and next for writing and revising. Please make sure to place your final draft in the appro priate Dropbox prior to the end of class in week eight. Please take the time to review the assigned chapters for detailed guidance on essay construction. Review the following websites for more information on essay construction: lt;! –[if ! supportLists]–>? <! –[endif]–>Sheey, Geoff. â€Å"5 Paragraph Essay Construction. †Ã‚   SlideShare. http://www. slideshare. net/sheehy/5-paragraph-essay-construction <! –[if ! supportLists]–>? <! –[endif]–>â€Å"The Five Paragraph Essay. †Ã‚   Guide to Grammar and Writing. Capital Community College Foundation. http://grammar. ccc. commnet. edu/GRAMMAR/five_par. htm 1. Using the methods you read about in Chapters 16, 17, 26 and 30, write a 500 word essay based on one of the Activities found in Chapter 21 pages 422 – 425.For example, you may choose to write a paper about â€Å"How to Accomplish a Daily Task† or â€Å"How to Write a School Assign ment. †Ã‚   However, any of the topics listed within the pages are fine. You may decide which topic best suits you. 2. Length:   500 words – see page 471 for a Step-by-Step approach to writing a paper in the Process Analysis style. 3. Make sure your paper format includes the following: * Lines – Double spaced * Name Box – at top left corner * Page Numbers * Title 4. Above your paper, I want to see a short outline as describe on page 11 in Chapter 1.4. * Conclusion 5. Make sure your paper has a TITLE – see the MLA section in your grammar handbook for step-by-step instructions. You may seek help on MLA by visiting the Columbia College writing website at http://www. ccis. edu/departments/WritingCenter/writing. html or Purdue’ Online Writing Lab http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resources/557/01/   6. Start your paper with an Introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Remember that you only get one opportunity to make an impres sion. . Move on to the Thesis Statement. Remember that the Thesis lets the reader know what the overall paper will be about. For this paper, a thesis that states the nature of your idea and the two or three areas you plan to cover is a good idea. See the following websites for more information on thesis formation:* â€Å"Thesis Statements. †Ã‚   The Writing Center. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. http://www. unc. edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/thesis. html * Brunswold, Libby. â€Å"Thesis Statement. †Ã‚   Literacy Education Online. The Write Place. St. Cloud State University. 4 October 2003. http://leo. stcloudstate. edu/acadwrite/thesistatement. html 8. Your paper should have at least two Body Paragraphs that start with a Topic Sentence that includes only one idea aka a Controlling Idea. Remember that a topic sentence should focus on a single point you wish to convey to the reader. Remember that you support your topic sentence with detail. Review the assigned c hapters if you are having trouble discerning what a topic sentence is. 9. Support your Topic Sentence aka Controlling Idea with sentences that include personalized examples.These sentences come from the â€Å"supporting detail† sections within your outline. 10. Remember a paragraph moves from the general idea (Topic Sentence) to specific examples that support your overall thought. Review Chapters 16 and 17 if you are still struggling. Remember that you are illustrating your point for the reader. 11. Finally, don’t forget your Conclusion. Simply wrap up your idea by returning to the topic sentence and adding one or two other thoughts or summarizing your entire paper. 12. See a sample Process Analysis

Pumping Up The ECONOMIC GROWTH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pumping Up The ECONOMIC GROWTH - Essay Example This means that enhancing human capital will increase the quality of labor, which will in turn increase economic growth. The third factor that has to be considered is capital, an increase of which will increase economic growth. Capital is best increased by focusing on investment that improves the technology used. This will ensure that capital used in production produces more output with less usage of resources. However, the factors mentioned above have some detrimental effects, for example, using more resources to enhance economic growth results in the depletion of available resources. This means that future generations will have fewer resources with which to benefit themselves. The second detrimental factor is pollution, which usually occurs as resources are used to produce. The third factor is job displacement, which occurs because of an increase in technology that replaces human capital. The last detrimental factor in economic growth is cultural change, where existing cultures are continually replaced as economic growth is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Does the implementation of the PI program improve the performance of Research Paper

Does the implementation of the PI program improve the performance of Reseda High school students - Research Paper Example te the research such as the curriculum of the schools that are chosen in the research and the control variables which are issues that can be controlled by the researcher such as the program improvement and types of students who are sampled during the research. The variables play a large role in the research and thus it should be noted that the researcher should do their best not to influence them in a way that the end results are affected (Lopez, 2008). The study of whether implementation of the PI program will help improve the performance of public schools is an issue that needs to be determined clearly in order for the government to decide on if they should introduce the program to more schools or if the designers need to go back to rethink in a bid to work out the kinks if any before spreading to other schools in the country (Kate, 2010). 2. Research Design and its Justification The research design that is used in this study is also another important issue that needs to be determi ned in order to ensure that accurate results are achieved at the end of the research. The research design refers to the method that the researcher chooses to carry out his study in terms of attaining the answer to the question that has been posed. The method chosen has to be applicable to the particular study and should suit the environment in which it is used. This implies that the method undertaken should not be forced into action but should fit seamlessly into the activities that are involved which include the collection of the data required and its analysis in the final stage of the study to determine the results. Choosing the wrong research design may add unneeded complications for the researcher during the study and in the worst case scenario even result in inaccurate results... Does the implementation of the PI program improve the performance of Reseda High school students? The performance of public schools has become a reason for concern as the results of children who attend these schools have shown little advancement over the years. There are a number of reasons that have been given for this trend with the most popular being the transfer of the brighter children in the public school systems to private institutions once their high IQ is discovered. The method chosen has to be applicable to the particular study and should suit the environment in which it is used. This implies that the method undertaken should not be forced into action but should fit seamlessly into the activities that are involved which include the collection of the data required and its analysis in the final stage of the study to determine the results. Choosing the wrong research design may add unneeded complications for the researcher during the study and in the worst case scenario even result in inaccurate results. There are a number of advantages that the use of Quasi-Experimental Designs brings to the table of the study; some of these include factors such as they are easier to put up than true experimental designs which simplify the procedure for the researcher. These designs also reduce the risks to external validations as they are held in natural environments, which also allows for generalizations on certain topics to be made about the population that is being studied.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflection on Christian text Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection on Christian text - Essay Example s, a Christian fulfills all the other commandments, because they will avoid doing sin against God or even doing anything that might harm their neighbors. Therefore, the commandment of love is related to the other commandments, since it binds them all, by giving a single course of action that can be taken by the Christians, to avoid the necessity of trying to fulfill all the commandments. When one loves God and his/her neighbor, sin or any other evil acts that are guarded against by the commandments will no longer be a part of him/her. When Jesus said that â€Å"All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments,† he meant that the commandments and the life that prophets had been advocating for Christians to live can easily be accomplished through loving God and loving ones neighbor. Thus, the commandment of love becomes the core of all Christian laws, since Christians should be bound by love for God and for their fellow men, and in so doing, they will accomplish Gods will in their life, which is living free of sin and serving other people, as Christians would serve

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing. Firms gain competitive advantage Case Study

Marketing. Firms gain competitive advantage - Case Study Example For many years, logistics inefficiencies have been criticized and scrutinized in order to increase productivity. There has been little close examination of possible savings in the area of physical distribution, now known as logistics. There is a movement towards a closer analysis of all aspects of logistics. This is particularly important where selling and distribution costs are high. One of the new methods in logistics is wireless technologies used by UPS and FedEx which help them to create state-of-the-art solutions for difverse customer groups. In other words, firms are a sum of their activities and not just comprised of a series of discrete functions. Logistics is therefore not just about managing functions, but managing linkages between those functions. More will be said about the integration of various facets of the value chain in the discussion on implementation strategies. FedEx Executive says: "Wireless data connectivity is something we've done for many years. But we had to provide our own bandwidth and we had to develop technology to manage it" (Gruman 2006). At this stage, what is important is to understand how logistics companies can analyze current position along various dimensions of the value chain - in essence, their strengths and weaknesses. ... real-time data to manage their operations, and the only way for the companies to get this near-real-time information is through the use of wireless technology in the field and in their facilities" (Gruman 2006). UPS and FedEx take into account internal and external factors that influence location of the goods. The Concept of 'Place' and its Role in New Logistics Looking at the concept of 'Place' from a total viewpoint, may indicate that some parts of the system can operate at less that the optimum in order to make the whole system more effective. For example the production manager may need to schedule shorter runs, or the transport manager more frequent deliveries, if it benefits the total logistics system. Acceptance of the new logistics concept implies a recognition of the fact that an action affecting one part may affect all others (Chase, Jacobs 2003). So a united approach is needed in order to maximize overall effectiveness. One of the main innovations used by UPS and FedEx is that: 'The two companies are exploiting new wireless technologies in their differing attempts at aiding the two main components of their operations: pickup/delivery and packaging/sorting" (Gruman, 2006). In order to produce or provide quality service to a required quality level, at an appropriate time and within acceptable financial constraints, logistics create a number of functions that are essential. For instance, using UPS and FedEx new logistics flexible organizations have the potential to maximize benefits from different locations and national economic conditions through a variety of means: locating businesses in markets where factor conditions are favorable leading to cost advantages and efficiency; operating in non-domestic markets where "demand conditions are more favorable"

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Report Analysis of Goodrington Plc Essay

Financial Report Analysis of Goodrington Plc - Essay Example INTRODUCTION Company Background Goodrington group plc belong to fashion retailing industry in the United Kingdom. It comprises three popular brands of retailing in the country that are Goodrington, Newton, and Churston. These three bands provide several retail products to different target groups of the consumers in United Kingdom. Activities Goodrington caters to customers ranging from the young-to-middle aged consumers by providing different items such fashion clothing, footwear and home ware. Newton has its own target market catering to the female consumers aged 45 and over by selling clothing items to them. Churston caters to the consumers with an instinct for fine fragrances and perfumes. It attracts its target consumers with the help of brightly lit and decorated store interior that is highly appealing to the people with artistic sense. Significant Changes The most significant change concerning the company's operations as reflected in the company's annual report is the acquisition of subsidiary costing the company 4,350,000 in the year 2005. ANALYSIS Profitability 2005 2004 Gross Profit Ratio 20.25% 20.56% Net Profit Ratio 5.99% 6.61% Gross Profit Ratio The Gross Profit ratio analyses the company's profit margin before accounting for various operating costs (Mcmenamin Jim, 1999). The gross profit ratio for Goodrington plc shows that the company is earning about 20% out of the total sales revenue after having accounted for the cost of sales. This also shows that the company loses almost 80% of the total sales revenue on production and distribution expenses. The company's gross profit ratio has been stable over the last two years. Net Profit Ratio The net profit ratio analyses a...This paper utilises only books for the purpose of formulas and interpretation of the given ratios. Goodrington group plc belong to fashion retailing industry in the United Kingdom. It comprises three popular brands of retailing in the country that are Goodrington, Newton, and Churston. These three bands provide several retail products to different target groups of the consumers in United Kingdom. Churston caters to the consumers with an instinct for fine fragrances and perfumes. It attracts its target consumers with the help of brightly lit and decorated store interior that is highly appealing to the people with artistic sense. The Gross Profit ratio analyses the company's profit margin before accounting for various operating costs (Mcmenamin Jim, 1999). The gross profit ratio for Goodrington plc shows that the company is earning about 20% out of the total sales revenue after having accounted for the cost of sales. This also shows that the company loses almost 80% of the total sales revenue on production and distribution expenses. The company's gross profit ratio has been stable over the last two years. The net profit ratio analyses a company's profitability after taking into account all the operating costs and interest expense etc (Mcmenamin Jim, 1999)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theoritical Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theoritical Questions - Assignment Example The key determinants to be considered in valuing convertible bonds are, the coupon rate offered, the time when the convertibility option can be exercised and the exercise price of the stock (Choudhry, 359). A bond warrant gives the holder of the instrument the right to â€Å"call† or â€Å"put† the bond whenever it wants. Moreover, unlike a convertible bond-wherein the underlying debt is repaid in cash or an equivalent amount of company stock--the warrant contract component of a warrant-bond can be sold separately to third parties while the original investor retains the straight bond component (Choudhry, 396). Dividends are usually paid by corporations after the taxes have been deducted from the overall earnings of the company. However, in many countries, the investors may get taxed on the dividend payments that they receive. Therefore, the companies may plough back some of the earnings to avoid these taxes. Taxes decrease the cost of capital as the tax benefit comes with respect to coupon payments to bond holders. It helps to decrease the overall weighted average cost of debt (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 519). Rationality is the key towards investing in the financial markets. Most investors are more often rational in their behavior while investing than not. However, there are many instances in which irrational behavior and repeated errors in judgment have been documented or witnessed in the financial markets. Irrational behavior can be exploited by finding out the overvalued and undervalued stocks, and investing accordingly. Trade credits, Bank over Drafts and Commercial Papers are few examples of short term financing sources that can be used by companies to pay salaries, coupon payments or other miscellaneous expenses (Shim and Siegel, 133). Depending too much on some of these short term sources finance often give a wrong signal and may

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mary Queen of Scots Opera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mary Queen of Scots Opera - Essay Example But this one added some important facts that are worth remembering. The opera started at exactly 2:00 pm. The stage has the symphony playing in the bottom front of stage area, kind of like a second floor underneath visible to the audience from the mezzanine.Once the orchestra started to play the opening music the opera house was very silent. Mary Queen of Scots opera belongs to the category soloist and orchestra. The orchestra consist of the following instrument, flute, oboe clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion, harp keyboard, violin 1, violin 2, viola cello, doublebass, continuo, electronic tape, and the voice from the soloist. The music produce by the orchestra are quite relaxing and the music are appropriate in the scene. Mary Queen of Scots opera is about the rivalry of two cousins, Queen Elizabeth and Mary Stuart. The opera was done in a recitative way. It is done by adopting the rhythm of ordinary speech into singing. The opera was accompanied by the orchestra. In the part wherein Maria Stuart and Queen Elizabeth was about to meet the orchestra plays in a rhythmic modes that connote a haunting motive. This mode was done by the string instrument in the orchestra. The scene was between Lester and Queen Elizabeth waiting for Maria Stuart to arrive. ... Queen Elizabeth's question where answered in a literal and logical musical response. The rhythmic music continues as Queen Elizabeth is nervous to see Mary Stuart. The scene becomes more intense and then the orchestra started playing simple music loudly. Every time the scene becomes intense the orchestra starting playing it loud to help the soloist feels his role. The meeting of Maria Stuart and Queen Elizabeth is the main part of the opera. The confrontation was accompanied by a soft music at first. As the scene become intense the orchestra becomes intense as well. Music that can be felt inside of you. The orchestra adopted its music very well in every scene making Queen Mary Scots as one opera worth watching for. Queen Elizabeth decision of putting Mary Scots in jail has made the story more intense. The orchestra plays hard to let the audience feel the intensity of the scene. No matter how Leister ask for the release of Mary, Queen Elizabeth stay firm with her decision that she should be hang. In the opera solo act was accompanied by music from the rhythmic part to the intense part. This opera is worth watching for. The orchestra was great and the dresses and accessory where really fit the stage. The overall performances of the character are great.

Child and Family and their Social, Cultural and Relationship Problems Essay

Child and Family and their Social, Cultural and Relationship Problems - Essay Example A family assessment should contain discussions regarding the type of family, family finance, safety, health, emotional support within the family and outside the family and family roles. (Pillittery, 2007). This will be the guide that this paper will use in order to gain the necessary information it needs in order to create an appropriate conclusion. This will also help in the goal of the paper, which is to provide recommendations on nursing recommendations for a six(6) week period. This papers main discussion points are; The case we are presented with provides us with a multitude of variables, facts, ideas and sources. Most, if not all of these things are things that will have some sort of effect on the child, either for short-term or in the long run. We were provided with a short family background, relationship descriptions, summaries of actions and histories, and these are the points of the case that our paper will focus on and use in order to get the needed results. We will also be relating these facts to current literature in order to get a bearing on the correct path to take for the assessment and nursing care plan. Aside from the family influence, cultural, religious and environmental influences also play an important role in this case, as, according to a paper by, these social influences will have a resounding effect a persons attitude or outlook. Aside from the factors stated above, the case had also described some issues such as the child's difficulty in adjusting to life in a foreign place, being diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder, suffering from a form of Dyslexia, being diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus, having been teased at school due to his racial background, and being unable to be with the people he is comfortable  with for one reason or another. On their own, these issues may be minor, but combined, they create a massive impact on the child and his wee-being. We will take all of these factors into consideration for the entire duration of the case.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cultural Considerations Essay Example for Free

Cultural Considerations Essay People belonging to different cultures have different perception towards the aspects of life and justice is also under these aspects that have significant impact of culture. Individuals belonging to particular cultures have their opinion about the justice that is greatly influenced by the type of culture they belong to as every culture has some ethics and values that each individual and society follows. The concept of globalization has made people to live in diverse countries with different justice system and this leads to the issue of cross cultural disparity in perception of justice of different systems. So the culture values play a significant role in perceptions of justice and outcomes along with the comparison process (Bond, 1982). Since the people associated with certain cultures have their own beliefs and these beliefs of individuals belonging to different cultures contradicts them with the laws and regulations of a particular country. Some cultural facets negate or mitigate criminal responsibility where acts are committed under a reasonable good-faith belief in their propriety, based on the individual’s cultural heritage or tradition and this makes the people of particular culture to disagree with justice formulation of culture. The dissatisfaction of people from the justice system of the country escorts practical problems of the law and culture clash in the context of criminal and to some degree to civil liabilities also. These differences also cause variety of cases including homicide, the treatment of children, animals and the dead as well as the regulation of marriage, attire, and drug usage cases to rise to a greater extent thus making it difficult for the security administration to enforce proper law and order (Bond, 1982). The ethics and values of a particular culture impose serious problems for the security administrations also as people commit crimes and associate their sins particularly with criminal defenses, civil rights, and cultural regulations. So it became very difficult for the administration to regulate the country with different cultures as people take the shelter of their respective cultures in order to avoid serious punishments. This also makes the whole system reluctant of imposing the better regime along with the law-culture clash that raises questions of hegemonic domination, human rights and political philosophy in the whole country. It is very difficult for the administration to maintain the justice right for all the individuals believing in different cultures as they have dissimilar issues so the governments of countries with mixed cultures have adopted services that can solve the law-culture issues. One of the most commonly followed policies is the Community Relation Service as it provides platform to solve various issues based on race, color or culture. The countries have adopted qualitative dimensions with respect to justice in order to gather community perspectives at each stage of the justice process, while a quantitative dimension provides the opportunity to demonstrate outcomes that have credibility for community members and scholars also. Transformative mixed methodologies are also used by modern day systems to provide a mechanism for addressing the complexities of system coordination in culturally complex settings that can provide a basis for social stability (Kymlicka, 1995). Countries also use other methods like change in demographics and immigrant patterns to avoid clashes and these countries also set values under the justification and made immigrants aware of their laws in order to make every one aware of the law and regulation configuration (Kymlicka, 1995). These policies help the justice administration to put their decisions in the perfect manner so that the law and order of the society is maintained without any sort of fuss among the masses. The security administration also provides better policing facilities to provide enhanced level of security among the common people and avoid incidents that can lead to violence. The factors leading to the crime are also considered by most of the systems so that convicted individual is awarded punishment by considering all the parameters. These policies and methods provide a better coordination between the administration and the people belonging to different cultures by considering the issues and beliefs of particular culture and judging the individuals accordingly to provide most levelheaded and well composed justice. In 1829, Sir Robert Peel created the Metropolitan Police when he served as Home Secretary of England. According to Peel, the real key for policing is the police are the people and the people are the police. His principles can still be used in the present era as the prevention of crime should be the main idea in order to maintain a peaceful environment all over the state. The public approval could also be used like his principles as in case of diverse society, it is necessary for police to understand the different cultures that make up the communities that they patrol. This can be accomplished through multi-cultural training and education so that there is no problem in tackling the issues that involved people from different cultural background.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Major Depressive Disorder Case Study

Major Depressive Disorder Case Study Case Study Idalhà ­ Barnes Jessica J. Ruiz Case Study Barbara Torres is a 36 year-old Hispanic married women and the mother of male twins of seven years old. She lives in Kalamazoo, in the state of Michigan. She has a very challenging, high stress occupation as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in Stryker, a multi-billion manufacture corporation that develop medical devices and medical equipment. Ms. Torres has always been a hard worker and high achiever. She graduated from Harvard University with top honors in both college and graduate school. She has very high principles for herself and can be very self-critical when she fails to meet a goal. Barbara Torres arrives to the Pan-American Mental Health Center seeking for psychological services for possible symptoms of depression. Before the intake interview began, the psychologist introduced herself to Ms. Torres, explained the mission, values and services provided in the mental health center, the purpose, form and time of the interview, the information that it will be gathered, and the basis for a good working client/therapeutic relationship, among others. The client complete and signed the consent for treatment form, authorization to contact form, release of information, and other necessary or relevant paperwork. Once the documents were signed, it was proceeded to explain confidentiality and its limits. Presenting Problem During the initial interview, the client was inquired about information about the present problem, the symptomatology, when did it start, how often does it occur, how long does the symptom last, how it affected her everyday life, any incidents that precipitated the symptomatology, and if this mood episodes occurred previously. The client chief complaint was symptoms of depression and excessive distress that started about three months ago with daily depressed moods, decrease of interest or pleasure in everyday activities, difficulty in sleeping, decreased of energy, weight loss and lack of concentration because of worry. Then the symptoms just get worse. There was no incident or psychosocial stressor that could precipitated the symptomatology. Ms. Torres was asked what motivated her to look for help at this point, and she explained that after much deliberation with her family, friends, primary medical doctor and pastoral counseling, she decided to look for help, because the symptoms she was and still experiencing, are deteriorating the relationship with her husband and kids, with her ability to accomplish her work, and were interfering with her daily functioning. The client explained that in her job she has struggled with significant emotions of worthlessness, embarrassment and guilt due to her inability to perform as well as she always has in the past. The client described that she’s having a lot of stress and preoccupation that she cannot handle the situation or that something awful may happen (like lose her job or family). Her colleagues have noticed that she is often short-tempered and reserved, which is quite dissimilar from her normally cheerful and friendly character. She has called in sick on numerous times, which is absolutely unlike her. Those days she stays in home ruminating about the present problems, viewing TV or sleeping. This behavior has occurred four times in a month. In her home, Barbara’s spouse has observed changes as well. She’s presented little interest in sex, had diminished interest in almost all activities with him and the kids, had drop twenty pounds in three months and had difficulty in sleeping (3-4 hours’ sleep per night and does not feel rested upon waking). Her sleeplessness has been keeping him awake, as she tosses and turns for a couple of hours or two after they go to bed. He’s heard her having recurrent crying phone conversations with her closest friend, which have him worried. When he attempted to talk to her to open up about what’s disturbing her, she pushes him away with an immediate â€Å"the whole thing is fine†. The relationship with her parents and sisters also has been impaired because she lacks of motivation to visit them or talk to them frequently as she used to do. Even though she hasn’t ever deliberated or think about suicide because of her faith and Catholic religion, Barbara has found herself increasingly unsatisfied with her life. Ms. Torres gets frustrated because she knows she has all the reasons to be happy, but yet can’t enjoy all her success. The client expressed to be overwhelmed and with much stress for not knowing what is happening to her; also reported performed excessive rumination about the problems that this symptoms has caused in her job and family. According to Nolen, Wisco, and Lyubomirsky (2008), rumination is the method of thinking constantly about one’s emotional state and difficulties. Studies has shown that rumination have an exclusive association to depression symptoms and its negative cognitive features. Ms. Torres was asked how intense where her symptoms in a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means low intensity and 10 means high intensity, and she described that her symptoms were positioned between 6 and 7. In the same manner, she was asked how that symptoms’ intensity impaired her daily life activities, and she reported that the symptoms impair her daily functioning between a 7 or 8, stating that she couldn’t performed any activity as she used to. Ms. Torres was asked if she experienced these symptoms in the past and she stated that she experienced two of the present symptoms (lack of energy and decreased weight) in her adolescence when she broke up with her first boyfriend at the age of seventeen. The symptoms last three weeks. Mental Health Status The client arrived to the Pan-American Mental Health Center in a clean state, properly dressed, and seemed according to her chronological age. Her physical appearance seems to be thin or underweight. Ms. Torres was attentive and well oriented on the three spheres (time, place, and person). Ms. Torres maintained eye contact, her voice tone was normal and her body movements and general attitude were according to what she expressed. The client expressed to be overwhelmed and with much stress for not knowing what was happening to her. She voluntarily provided information about herself, the present problem and symptomatology, medical, psychiatric and family history, among others. Throughout the interview the client understood everything that was explained, proved to be rational and seemed to have good understanding of her psychological difficulties. Developmental History Ms. Torres stated that her childhood was remarkable. She grew up in a small town in Michigan with her parents and two older sisters. Her father was a manager in a retail store for 45 years and her mother was a Tennis trainer in a school for 25 years, and both were very caring and attentive with the kids. The parents have 55 years of matrimony. The family relationship was described as positive and the client explained that throughout her life she has a very good relationship and communication with both sisters and both parents. She considered her family very close and united; they spend almost every Christmas together. She and her sisters were raised in the Catholic religion, and stated that ever since have a very strong faith. In her childhood, Barbara enjoyed participate in all kind of sports, but mostly she excelled in Tennis. In school, Barbara developed very good relationship with peers, always had excellent grades, and the teachers described her as an outstanding student and an innate leader. In her adolescence and adulthood she reported that she never used drugs or has any problem with the law. She also stated that there was no substance abuse history in her family. Medical and Psychiatric History Ms. Torres reported that she’s never been diagnosed of any medical or mental disorder. Since she was young, her parents took the children regularly to visit the primary doctor. One of her sisters was diagnosed with asthma. A well-known family history of medical illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, strokes, multiple sclerosis, and hypothyroidism was refused. Before looking for psychological services, Ms. Torres visited her primary doctor one month ago to see if everything was good with her health. Her doctor sends her to take several routine physical exams and tests (complete blood count, chest x ray, urinalysis, cancer screening test, mammogram, pap smear, pregnancy test, sexually transmitted diseases, stress test, among others) to discard any health conditions or concerns that could be producing her symptoms. The test showed that Barbara’s health was in good condition. Her doctor advised to use vitamins supplements to prevent malnutrition and referred her to visit the psychologist for possible symptoms of depression. She was asked if a member of her family was diagnose with depression and she stated that her mother-side of the family has history with this disorder. Her mother, grandmother and aunt where diagnose with major depression. When she was an adolescent her mother received psychotherapy with a psychologist for five years, but never used psychotropic medication. In the paternal side of the family there were no history of mental and psychiatric disorders. She denied the use of medication with the exception of birth control pills taken at the age of nineteen until she was twenty five years old. Barbara denied any psychiatric hospitalizations, past or present ideation, plan, or intent for suicide or homicide. She also denied any hallucinations or delusions. This is the first time seeking treatment from a psychologist, but she described participated in pastoral counseling. DSM 5 Diagnosis 296.22 / 296.23 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate- Severe with Anxious Distress Depression is a medical illness or mood situation in which people face depressed feelings and have a decrease of interest or pleasure in everyday activities that usually enjoy (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to Nunstead, Skarsater, and Kylen (2012), in modern society there is an increasingly serious problem of major depression in all social groups. They emphasize about the importance of individual’s capacity and how the individual’s own comprehension of the disorder and symptomatology help them to manage and cope with factors associated with the disorder. The criteria for Major Depressive Disorder designated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (5th ed., DSM-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), described the main indications of Major Depression as the manifestation of a minimum five of the following symptoms: depressed feelings or mood, decrease of interest or pleasure in everyday activities, decrease or gain of weight or appetite, sleep disturbance, psychomotor agitation, decrease of energy, feelings of worthlessness, lack of concentration and recurrent thoughts of suicide or death. Diagnosis Impression At the present time, Ms. Torres meets criteria for the DSM 5 diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate-Severe with Anxious Distress due to the presence of the following symptoms: daily depressed moods, decrease of interest or pleasure in everyday activities, difficulty in sleeping, feelings of worthlessness, decreased of energy, weight loss and lack of concentration for the last three months. Ms. Torres rejected experienced in the past of similar psychiatric symptoms, making this episode a single one. The level of impairment Barbara is experiencing in her occupational, social, and other important areas is moderate to severe. There is confirmation of anxious distress by symptoms of excessive distress, worry or tension, incapable to rest as a consequence of anxiety, lack of concentration because of concern, anxiety that something terrible might occur and feelings that she will miss control. Differential Diagnosis Ms. Torres’s complaints do not include symptoms of persistent elevated mood, increases in goal-directed behavior, or symptoms in criteria B, lasting one week (Bipolar I – Manic Disorder) or four days (Bipolar II – Hypomanic Disorder). Consequently, any diagnosis related with either one of the above-mentioned episodes was immediately excluded. Mood Disorder Due to another Medical Condition was ruled out, because there was no family history of medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, strokes, multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism and all the medical exams performed recently by her primary doctor showed no recent acquire condition. Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive or Bipolar Disorder was disqualified since there was a negative history of substance and medication use at time of onset of symptoms. The client reported absence of impulsivity in her family, her childhood and adolescence, and the symptoms of lack of concentration started three months ago, as a result, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder was ruled out. Because the onset of symptoms was approximately three months ago and there was no psychosocial stressor that precipitated the symptomatology, Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) and Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood were ruled out. Sadness excluded because Ms. Torres meets the criteria of severity (five or additional symptoms), duration (for the most part the day, nearly every day for a minimum of two weeks), and clinically noteworthy impairment in functioning, needed to be diagnose as a client with Major Depressive Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Etiology During the interview, Ms. Torres reported a maternal family history of major depression (mother, grandmother and aunt) and explained that her mother received psychotherapy for five years, but never used psychotropic medication. There were no history of mental and psychiatric disorders in the paternal side of the family. Several family studies have discovered that the genetic relatives of clients with mood conditions are more likely to acquire mood disorders than are individuals in the general population. In the present, doctors and scientist still don’t know what are the exactly causes of depression. Roetker et al. (2013) indicated that the etiology of depression is complicated and heterogeneous although many factors (biological, genetic, psychological, and environmental factors, among others) can contribute to the arrival of depressive symptoms. According to Tamatam, Khanum, Bawa (2012) genetic factors have been connected in the etiology of depression and numerous investigations and studies have determined that fluctuations in protein structure are associate with a predisposition to specific conditions. In the other hand, many other studies had found no correlation between genetic factors and depressive symptoms, and concluded that the environment and social factors were more predictive of depressive symptoms (Roetker et al., 2013). Monroe, Slavich, and Gotlib (2014) indicated that three of the most dependably informed and influential predictors of depression are a current major life experience, a family history for depression, and an individual history of previous depressive occurrences. In the case of Ms. Torres, the combination of daily activity stressors and family history of depression may possibly triggered the outcome of an episode of major depression. Treatment Recommendations Psychotherapy and medication is the treatment of choice for mood disorders. Based on a study performed by Casacalenda, Perry, and Looper (2002) the best treatment for depression is the combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy (principally cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy). Ms. Torres will be referred to a psychiatrist to start the pharmacological intervention and treat symptoms of low mood and insomnia, among other symptoms. Medication will help in the stabilization of the chemicals in the brain to the right levels, relieving the depressive symptoms. Along the interview, the client expressed to be constantly overwhelmed, preoccupied and anxious; likewise she reported perform excessive rumination about the problems and having feelings of worthlessness and guilt. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy will help Ms. Torres to people change negative thinking and behavior patterns. Also, will help the client to comprehend the issues that may be behind her thoughts and feelings, be aware of depressive symptoms and how to identify things or events that could make the depression worse. In combination with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the implementation of Interpersonal Therapy will allow the client to improve social adjustment and return to her social, occupational and family activities. Treatments of medication and psychotherapy, will help Ms. Torres to cope with social circumstances and other factors that may trigger further episodes of depression (Casacalenda, Perry, and Looper, 2002). References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. Casacalenda, N., Perry, C. J., Looper, K. (2002). Remission in Major Depressive Disorder: A Comparison of Pharmacotherapy, Psychotherapy, and Control Conditions. Am J Psychiatry, 159, 1354-1360. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.159.8.1354 Monroe, S. M., Slavich, G. M., Gotlib, I. H. (2014). Life Stress and Family History for Depression: The Moderating Role ofPast Depressive Episodes. Journal of Psychiatric Research,49,90-95. Nolen, S., Wisco, B. E., Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). Rethinking Rumination. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), 400-424. Nunstead, H., K.,Skarsater,. Kylen, S. (2012). Experiences of Major Depression: Individuals Perspectives on the Ability to Understand and Handle the Illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33(5), 272-279. doi: 10.3109/01612840.2011.653038 Roetker, N. S., Page, D., Yonker, J. A., Chang, V., Roan, C. L., Herd, P., †¦ Atwood, C. S. (2013). Assessment of Genetic and Nongenetic Interactions for the Prediction of Depressive Symptomatology: An Analysis of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study using Machine Learning Algorithms. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1), 136-144. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301141 Tamatam, A., Khanum, F., Bawa, A. (2012). Genetic biomarkers of depression.Indian Journal of Human Genetics,18(1), 20-33. doi:10.4103/0971-6866.96639

Saturday, July 20, 2019

William Wordsworths Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey Ess

William Wordsworth's "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" Whereas most individuals tend to see nature as a playhouse that should alter and self-destruct to their every need, William Wordsworth had a very different view. Wordsworth perceived nature as a sanctuary where his views of life, love, and his creator were eventually altered forever. The intensity of Wordsworth's passion for nature elevated him from a boy into the inspiring man and poet in which he is recognized to be today. One of the most compelling works Wordsworth ever devised was that of "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey." The poem enlightens the reader on the awesome power and depth of nature, which Wordsworth has discovered in his trials and tribulations upon the earth. Thus, to fully understand the significance of nature in all lives told through "Lines Composed A few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" one must understand the setting and mood, as well as comprehend the rhyme scheme, and use of many diverse poetic devices that interact within the poem. One is able to gain insight into "Lines Composed a Few Lines Above Tintern Abbey" by first trying to understand the mood and setting of the poem. Although it "is a miniature of the long poem Wordsworth never quite wrote" (Robyn Young p.409) it lacked nothing as far as depth and intensity goes. Wordsworth was very skilled in such areas, although his writing may be come very complex it is said that it was a result of "the spontaneous overflow of emotion" (Gale Net). Wordsworth wrote this poem, as cited by Wordsworth without "any part of it was written down till I reached Bristol" (F.W. Bateson p.191). Wordsworth was a firm believer that man should ?find an immanent force that unites them with their physical and spiritual environments? (Jan Shoemaker p.1). As Wordsworth revisits this beloved place of his (Tintern Abbey) he is reminded of how he once perceived this sanctuary. Wordsworth attempts to compare and contrast two worlds, Brian Barbour states ?Wordsworth?s basic strategy is to a ppeal to the spiritual while remaining entirely within the natural order?(Barbour p.154). When he was a young child he came to this valley using it as his own personal playground. He never gave nature the respect and praise that it so deserved. He just saw nature through a young child?s eyes; he saw a tree in which to climb, grass in which wa... The reader viewpoint of nature in a sense is altered, as Wordsworth is erudite about the wonders of our mother nature. One must learn to live in harmony with nature to fully understand our true character and to enjoy the gracious gifts of natural world that have so graciously bestowed upon us all. Works Cited Barbour, Brian. "Between Two Worlds." Nineteenth-Century Literature. California Press (1993): 14 7-168 Bateson, F.W. Wordsworth a Re-Interpretation. London: Lowe and Brydone (Printers) Limited, 1956. Bloom, Harold. Bloom's Major Poets. Pennsylvania: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Gill, Stephen. A Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. Hartman, Geoffery H. The Unremarkable Wordsworth. Vol. 34. Minnesota: University of Minnesota, 1987. Shoemaker, Jan. Bill and Gus. [Online] Jan 27, 2000. Wordsworth, William. Detroit: Gale Company, 1999. [Online] Exploring Poetry. Feb 22, 2000. Wordsworth, William. Lines Composed. [Online], Feb 29, 2000 Young, Robyn V. Poetry Criticism. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale Company, 1992

Francois Rabelais’ Satire of Medieval and Renaissance Learning In Garga

Francois Rabelais’ Satire of Medieval and Renaissance Learning In Gargantua and Pantagruel In his book Gargantua and Pantagruel, Francois Rabelais uses satire to address the dislocation felt by Renaissance Humanists. By providing an exaggerated fable, comical in nature, Rabelais poses a serious introspection into the extremes of both the Medieval and the Renaissance man. More importantly, however, he brings into question his own ideals of Humanism. Through an analysis of Rabelais’ satirical technique and by examining his social parody of the Medieval and the Renaissance man, we are able to better understand Rabelais’ introspection into the ideals of his own generation and to accept his argument that learning is transitory and often a necessary, yet futile, attempt to understand our world. To understand the Gargantua and Pantagruel it is necessary to first understand Rabelais’ use of satire. As a man whose life spans the transition between the Medieval (Middle) Ages and the Renaissance, Rabelais, as most scholars of the time period, had to cope with a huge shift in thoughts and ideals. Between the changes in religion stemming from the Protestant Reformation, the changes in education stemming from the popularity of great philosophical thinkers, the move towards science and humanism, and the questioning of the universe arising from Copernicus’ discoveries, Rabelais felt the immense dislocation of his generation. He used satire, parody, and fantasy as a means to cope with this dislocation. Through the monstrous and grotesque comedy of Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais is able to ridicule the institutions of his world without necessarily being offensive. He entices his readers to laugh at the events and human thoughts of ... ... of quenching the thirst for knowledge. He writes, â€Å"Every good drinker, every good and gouty one, if he is thirsty, let him come to this barrel of mine† (395). In the end, Rabelais suggests that, like the comical giants of his stories, we are characterized by the desire to know, sometimes beyond our ability to understand. In conclusion, through his depiction of the giant in his Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais effectively satirizes two periods of thought, Medieval and Renaissance, and creates the argument that each, in its extreme, is limited. By comparing these two ages in the same satirical manner, Rabelais suggests that both schools of thought are transitory and that learning is often a necessary, yet futile, attempt to understand our world. Work Cited Putnam, Samuel, sel., transl., and ed. The Portable Rabelais. New York: Penguin Books, 1946.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Poem Analysis of Meeting at Night, by Robert Browning Essay -- Poetry

Poem Analysis of "Meeting at Night," by Robert Browning Robert Browning's poem "Meeting at Night" is essentially a narrative of a man who is journeying to meet his lover. The man recounts his journey as he undertakes it, mentioning or observing different portions of the trip, each in turn. One by one, he briefly describes his surroundings as he passes by them, merely noting them as if they bear only fleeting significance to him. However, although his descriptions are unpretentious and abruptly forgotten as he continues onward toward his goal, each line of the poem contains striking imagery. In fact, it should be noted that this poem consists entirely of imagery. Every line depicts a scene of the landscape that Browning's narrator encounters; that is, at least, until he finally reaches his destination, when his focus is diverted to his lover. Throughout the entire poem he offers no personal insight or reflection on his situation, and he instead is content to merely report his perceptions and observations as they come and go. Althoug h each of these little vignettes is of seemingly small consequence in itself, these individual images are each portrayed with remarkable style and feeling, and Browning skillfully strings these images together to elicit specific feelings and reactions from his readers. His masterful application of imagery, mood, and dynamic movement serve to shape the poem's emotion in such a way that the reader can tap into a plentiful well of information pertaining to the state of the speaker and his emotions -- information that initially goes unnoticed from a strictly literal observation. Browning is particularly well-known for this above-mentioned technique. On the surface level, his writing is trivi... ... image. Additionally, the color blue is unique; it casts an eerie feeling on the scene, almost as if their joining is holy or sacred. Finally, the last two lines are the culmination of this `saga': "And a voice less loud, thro' its joys and fears, / Than the two hearts beating each to each!" (ll. 11-12). Thus the poem concludes with boundless passion and bliss, and their love is represented by the powerful beating of their hearts. Browning's amazing command of words and their effects makes this poem infinitely more pleasurable to the reader. Through simple, brief imagery, he is able to depict the lovers' passion, the speaker's impatience in reaching his love, and the stealth and secrecy of their meeting. He accomplishes this feat within twelve lines of specific rhyme scheme and beautiful language, never forsaking aesthetic quality for his higher purposes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Meat Consumption

23 May 2011 One Bite At a Time Most Americans are aware of global warming, cancer, heart disease and the fact that the earth’s supply of good water is diminishing. In an effort to conserve our planet people drive hybrid cars, recycle, and use low energy light bulbs and appliances, which is great. However, most Americans are unaware and uninformed about how meat effects global warming, our health, and how much of our planet’s water and resources meat production consumes.Meat contributes to global warming, increases risk for cancer, causes heart disease and uses a tremendous amount of resources to produce, therefore people need to be informed about what they are eating through food labeling and Surgeon General warnings, as well as cutting back to appropriate portion sizes. Farming used to do good things for our planet, where as now its causing harm due to mass production and factory farms. â€Å"Traditionally, farm animals played a useful role . . . they ate grass, crop wastes, and kitchen scraps that people could not eat and turned them into good that people could eat.Their manure provided the soil with needed nutrients . . . the animals pulled plows and provided services that enhanced human life†(Robbins 233). Things have changed drastically since the days of simple farming. Today, â€Å"With the expansion and mechanization of animal farming . . . there are now 20 billion livestock on Earth- more than triple the number of human beings†(Robbins 234). The problem with having so many livestock on earth is that the manure that used to provide soil with nutrients now releases nitrous oxide, which contributes to global warming. According to the U.N Food and Agriculture Organization â€Å" Worldwide livestock farming generates 18% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions . . . all the world’s cars, trains, planes and boats account for a combined 13%†. However it’s more than just the manure contributing to global warming. FAO estimates that 70% of former forest covers were cut down to make room for grazing. This is a problem because â€Å"Lost forest cover heats the planet, because trees absorb CO2 while they’re alive . . . when they’re cut down or burned, the greenhouse gases are released back into the atmosphere†(Walsh).Cutting back on meat, or eliminating it all together would be a great way to help preserve our planet and much cheaper than a hybrid car. If meat production continues to grow, not only will it keep contributing to global warming, it will continue using the earth’s precious resources. The amount of food and water needed for farming is obscene. Water is something that we take for granted. There is no replacement for water, so when there is a 3 to 1 ratio from livestock to humans, why are we wasting so much of our earth’s precious water on livestock? Forty-two percent of the fresh water available to us in the United States is used for agricul ture† (Silverstone 25). Granted it’s not all devoted to animals, and the amount of water needed to produce meat varies in different parts of the country.In California, according to the Water Education Foundation, to produce one pound of California beef the amount of water required is 2,464 gallons; comparatively a pound of tomatoes only requires 23 gallons of water (Robbins 236-237). Think of how much water California would save if everyone cut back on meat. Then there is the other problem, how much food we use to feed the livestock. Sixty million acres of the United States are devoted to growing hay primarily for livestock, while we only use 13 million acres to grow fruits and vegetables†(Silverstone 25). If there were less of a demand for livestock, that would enable us to use the land devoted to growing hay for growing vegetables, fruit and other plant based foods while using considerably less water. Not only is meat taking a toll on the environment, it’ s taking a toll on the heath of America. Eating meat, especially the portions Americans eat, cause Heart Disease and increase a person’s risk for Cancer.The facts that there are triple the amount of livestock on earth means only one thing, that humans eat entirely too much meat. In fact, â€Å"The average person in the industrialized world eats more than 176lb of meat annually†(Walsh). People would argue that we need meat to survive, but in fact meat causes more harm than it does good because of saturated fats and cholesterol. â€Å"Cholesterol is found only in animal foods and is particularly concentrated in organ meats and eggs†(Davis and Vesanto 27), therefore, it would be hard to argue that cutting back or eliminating meat would be a bad thing.Another major problem is that meat contains a ton of saturated fats, which raise a person’s blood cholesterol and causes plague to clog arteries, clogged arteries lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks (S ilverstone). â€Å"More than anything else, blood cholesterol determines your likelihood of having a heart attack†(Marcus 10). There have also been many studies that link meat consumption to cancer. â€Å"Researchers at the University of California at San Diego have isolated a sugar molecule that shows up in many cancerous human tumors . . Not only does Neu5Gc seem to build tumors, our human bodies produce antibodies against Neu5Gc, which causes inflammation, helping the tumors to grow even more†(Silverstone 17). The connection between eating meat and cancer from the research done at UC San Diego is that the sugar molecule Neu5Gc comes from red meat and is not produced in the human body (Silverstone). In America people have a hard time recognizing that what they eat contributes to disease, they would rather put blame on smoking and drinking when it comes to cancer.However, â€Å"The American Cancer Society estimates that 75 percent of all cancers are the product of ou r environment and lifestyle . . . 30 to 40 percent of all cancers are caused by diet†(Davis and Melina 32). The consumption of meat has also been liked to Osteoporosis; â€Å"When you eat meat, your blood becomes acidic . . . In order to balance all the acidity, your bones come to the rescue by releasing some of their minerals†(Silverstone 17). â€Å"Diets†, in America revolve heavily around meat and dairy products; no wonder cancer is the second leading cause of death.These are significant problems because Heart Disease and Cancer are the number one and two killers in America. â€Å"Almost one of every two Americans will die from Heart Disease . . . 40 million diagnosed with heart disease, and 1. 5 million a year having heart attacks†(Marcus 8). There is no denying that disease is developing at a rapid pace. Everyone knows someone who had or has cancer or heart disease. They are awful diseases, and â€Å"a high-fat, animal based diet is the single most s ignificant cause of death from heart disease†(Marcus 3).If people cut back or eliminated animal products from their diets, not only would they be eating less of the foods that cause their bodies harm, they would be eating more nutrient rich foods (fruits and vegetables) that help fight off and prevent disease. â€Å"Doctors like Dean Ornish and John MacDougall have discovered that plant-based diets have the power to reverse heart disease, diabetes, even cancer†(Silverstone 7). One might argue that eating vegan or vegetarian is expensive; but would you rather pay a little bit more at the grocery store now, or pay for an xpensive heart surgery or chemotherapy because of what that inexpensive meat did to your body? There are some things already being done in an effort to get Americans to cut back on meat, but they aren’t enough. Yes, there are more vegetarian options at grocery stores now; you no longer have to go to a specialty market to get vegetarian options. In major chain grocery stores like Ralph’s and VONS, they carry vegetarian brands of non-meat items like Boca and Garden burger; you can buy tofu, tofurkey, non-dairy cheese, yogurt and milk.The only problem is that its not always easy to find, they usually have a separate â€Å"heath food isle† where they keep all the non-animal products. Then there is the John Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health. They have started a global movement to get people to cut back on meat by reinventing a campaign called Meatless Mondays that was based on a campaign used during WW1 to conserve food for soldiers. In 2003, they recreated Meatless Mondays as public heath awareness program to help Americans reduce their risk for preventable disease by cutting back on meat. It was originally endorsed by over 20 schools of public health and is now global.Countries, hospitals, restaurants and Universities around the world are joining the movement for Meatless Mondays; it could always ge t bigger though. If there was backing from our government like there was during WW1 just think of how much larger this campaign could get. During that time, â€Å"The effect was overwhelming . . . In November 1917, New York City hotels saved some 116 tons of meat over the course of one week†(Meatless Mondays). If the U. S food administration made the same effort today, the United States could be one step closer to a healthier population. There needs to be a Surgeon General’s warning on meat products.The duties of the Surgeon General are to â€Å"Protect and advance the health of the nation through educating the pubic, advocating for effective disease prevention and health promotion programs and activities, and, providing a highly recognized symbol of national commitment to protecting and improving the public’s health†(Surgeon General). If the Surgeon General serves as â€Å"America’s doctor†, and is concerned advocating for disease preventio n, they should take a serious look at promoting a low fat plant-based diet. According to â€Å" Dr. William Castelli, director of the Farmington Heart Study . . a low-fat plant-based diet would decrease an individual’s risk of heart attack by 85 percent†(Silverstone 16). The government, starting with the Surgeon General, also needs to do their job in educating the general public on what meat does to their bodies. Everyone is familiar with the Surgeon General’s warning on cigarettes, that smoking causes cancer and increases you risk for heart disease; if eating meat causes heart disease and increases risk for cancer and other diseases like osteoporosis it is important people know what they are putting in their bodies just like cigarettes.Food labeling needs to be the same for meat as it is for every other food product. Almost everything you buy these days has a nutrition label except for fresh meat and poultry. At the end of 2009 the Department of Agriculture pro posed a solution that forced grocery stores and supermarkets to provide nutrition facts. However, the solution doesn’t work because the grocery stores and supermarkets don’t have to put it directly on the package; they can put the nutrition facts on a poster, pamphlet, or anywhere in the store that is available to customers if they request (Hurley and Liebman).If they were forced to add the nutrition facts directly to the package on fresh meats just like every other food product out there, it would at least inform people on what they are putting into their bodies and reduce the amount of meat purchased, and therefore reducing the amount of meat produced. Restaurants need to decrease portion sizes and offer non-meat items. â€Å"The U. S department of Agriculture says that a typical serving of steaks, roasts, chops and poultry parts is just 3 ounces†(Hurley and Liebman).Most restaurants typically serve a six-ounce chicken breast, and the size of a steak ranges fr om 6 to 12 ounces. That is a huge problem right there, no wonder obesity is a problem in the United Stares. If restaurants were required to serve the appropriate serving size recommended by our government and health officials, there would be less people eating meat, which would once again lead to less meat being produced. Another problem with restaurants, especially chain restaurants are that they don’t always serve non-meat items. I have worked for T.G. I Friday’s for the past seven years, and they don’t even serve a veggie burger. Restaurants should be required to serve a vegetarian option. Most people love dining out and if they had non-meat options it would allow them make healthier decisions and help contribute to the reduction of the amount of meat produced. If Americans want to do their part in conserving our planet while reducing their risk for heart disease, cancer and other nasty diseases they need to consider how what they eat effects themselves and t he environment.The government needs to provide guidelines and Surgeon General warnings to help inform and guide our nation to eating less meat and living a healthier lifestyle. If we all do our part one bite at a time we will have a healthier nation, reduce the amount of harm farming is doing to our planet (because their would be less livestock on earth), as well as use less of our earth’s precious resources.Works Cited â€Å"A Campaign Becomes a Movement†. Meatless Mondays. n pg. n. d. Web. 11 May 2011. Davis, Brenda and Melina, Vesanto. The New Becoming Vegetarian. Summertown, Tennessee: Healthy Living Publications, 2003. Print. Hurley, Jayne and Liebman, Bonnie. â€Å"The Kindest Cut†. Nutrition Action Health Letter. 37. 8 (Oct 2010): pg. 13. Web. 11 May 2011. Marcus, Erik. Vegan The New Ethics of Eating. New York: Mcbooks Press, 2001. Print. Office of Surgeon General. â€Å"About the office of the Surgeon General†. Surgeon General. n. pg. n. d. Web. 9 May 2011. Robbins, John. The Food Revolution. San Francisco: Conari Press, 2001. Print. Silverstone, Alicia. The Kind Diet. New York: Rodale Inc, 2009. Print Walsh, Bryan. †Meat: Making Global Warming Worse†. Time. Sept. 2008:n. pg. Time. com. Web. 3 May 2011.

Accounting of Pepsico

ACCOUNTING OF PEPSICO Lesley Cummins American Intercontinental University Francis Hoban celestial latitude 2012 ABSTRACT This paper will hash out the finding that I came upon during the review of PepsiCos annual report. They argon a precise strong and mugwump company and a lot could be learned from their method of accounting tactics. During the PepsiCo audit there were no versed errors to be reported. All consolidated financial statements were presented fairly and accurately during the period of declination 26, 2009 to December 25, 2010. The midland control in charge of financial reporting did not show any misstatements (Annual Report, 2010).PepsiCo maintains strong controls oer the financial reporting. The dodge works score of the framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Annual Report, 2010). This system is designed to offer support and middling assurance that all transactions are recorded sufficiently. Within the PepsiCo annual r eport, meeter reports and management reports there were no put down discrepancies or conflicts inside the ledgers of the company. PepsiCo prides themselves on doing what is right. They are continuously working to monitor their internal controls through with(predicate) self-assessments and ongoing internal audits. wiz election that PepsiCo should institute within their internal auditing discussion section if they do not already is to crave mandatory one to two calendar week annual vacations. This is a safeguard that keeps employees, managers and auditors honest. One thing that PepsiCo does do is keeping the decision maker committee actively involved. They need to reckon the strategy and financial performance of the company. The target is to ensure that they remain objective and consistently challenging their approach to potential opportunities and issues within the business, as well as observe the esults and controls. PepsiCo is very proud to have an active, wide awake an d capable Board. They meet the required step for independence. Their audit committee has high standards and is comprised of independent directors with a keen financial literacy, intimacy and an abundance of experience to create a very strong team. Financial Highlights PepsiCo, Inc. and subsidiaries (in millions draw off per cope data all per share amounts assume dilution) 2010 Scorecard We understand that companies gain ground when society succeeds, and whats good for the homo is good for business.Performance with Purpose ensures that this powerful whim is woven into everything we do at PepsiCo. scarce equally important, it is proving to be a driver of financial performance for our shareholders today and into the future. We prolong to strike the balance between the short-change term and the long term through investments in acquisitions, research and development and appear markets. REFERENCES Annual Report. (2010). Report of Independent Registered worldly concern Accounti ng Firm. Retrieved from http//www. pepsico. com/annual10/financials/auditor-reports. html

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Alcoholism and Theme Jake Doesn

The Sun Also Rises Quote Literary piece Commentary cant get away from yourself by abject from one place to ) conflict Jake is trying to explain that you cant find happiness by moving to some other place. You pretend to find happiness within yourself wherever you may be in life. l suspicion all frank and simple people, especially when their stories die hard together (12) understructure Jake doesnt trust the ones who are direct and real because he is so used to comprehend everyone who is fake. This is a good place, he said. Theres a bevy of liquor, I agreed. (19) characterization From having a hard life, Jake has take care to sticken on alcohol to heal the wounds passim his life. He is everlastingly drinking and be sot during the story. No, I dont like Paris. Its expensive and dirty. (26) setting present George explains to Frances how she doesnt like Paris for it is too expensive. Since this book Is place In the sasss. Everywhere at this time was expensive because of WWW l was a little drunkard.Not drunk in any positive sense just Just enough to be careless. (29) theme Jake refers to being drunk and he mentions It can be positive. The characters In this kook drink like it essential to life story and that it is a spacious thing. He looked a great deal as his compatriot must have looked when he saw the promised land. He had that look of eager. deserving expectation. (29) characterization Cohn was looking at Brett because he public opinion she was absolutely stunning and he had hopes of being with her. Couldnt we have a go at it together, Brett?Could we Just live together? l dont turn over so. Id just trooper you with everybody. (62) conflict Jake and Brett want to be together but Brett cant live with Sakes disability and she says that she would unendingly cheat on Jake if they did live together. Never fall in cognize? Always, said the count. l am always In love. (67) The count says he is always in love, this points out the fact that he is a hopeless romantic and it could also mean he Is non happy with himself so he seeks love to compensate. Friends, said Mike. l had a lot of friends. preposterous friends. Then I had creditors, too. Probably had more creditors than anybody in England. (141 ) theme Mike has lost all his bullion from having fake friends. HIS friends were only his friends because of his fortune and wealth. Dont you know youre not wanted? (146) Mike says this to Jake and It shows that Mike Is someone who has no filter on what they say. Whatever he thinks, he says. Under the wine I lost the repel feeling and was happy.It seemed they were all such nice people. (150) theme lake uses alcohol to mask his telling an like he wants to believe they are. That his trends arent nice Oh, Jake, Brett said, we could have had such a damned good time together. Yes, I said. Isnt it bonny to think so? (251) conflict Brett and Jake wish that the could be together but they know they cant. If it wasnt fo r lakes impotence, then they could have a great life together.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Behavioral Observations of Number of Items Bought in Chain Stores

Students Egor Karpunin, 5006119 Dominika Majcher, 5028142 mienal postings of upshot of bear witness in times bought in or morsel memory boards by consumers harmonize to their evoke appellative for the crease Consumer demeanor opening The cosmopolitan role of our paper was to define, which federal agency of the ascertained procureers ( manful or egg-producing(prenominal)) moves to procure much(prenominal) than 1 incident. correspond to our presumptions, wo work force bargain for to a greater extent than tips than men. This could be a core of the womens obtain nature.Usu barelyy women expiration to rise-nigh coiffe amble to corrupt, for example, the manifests for Christmas (or in sequence exactly doing memory for themselves) for their relatives do non format a specialized terminus earlier in solidity go discover. They estimable come upon well-nigh period and soce squ atomic b come out 18 off to trim cheeseparing brand. wh ence creation already in the shop they contain to debauch any topic that seems bewitching or could be much or lesshow reclaimable for those whom they barter for the present. So this supposed shop schema kernel that at the a corresponding(p) date they behind handle a for substantiate me drug of things and defile non alin concert unity (for their husband or sun) safe as well as for their fri endings, colleagues and so onThey squirt excessively manage nigh extra things c ar jewellery for the ornament that they pick up besides unyielding to bargain. We brookt order the homogeneous closely mens shop. E rightfullybody function to bet that men do not a same(p)(p) shop. provided very when on that point atomic number 18 almost who likes it or they upright afford to do it to return their bitstock (or kid, grandm rude(a)(prenominal), colleague) miss real Christmas (etc. ) they go to the shop with an already specify objective. As a com mand it instrument that they had already notion finish the present itself in plan of attack and instantly they equitable necessitate to go to precise shop and misdirect hotshot. save they besides bath obtain several(prenominal) items in adept shop.All in all we are t ace ending to swan or contemn our assumption. mannish Customers female Customers 1 aim 24 10 34 2 or to a greater extent Items 12 34 46 36 44 80 process Our expression was fetch on Fri solar day, celestial latitude 7th, 2012, amongst 3 oclock and 6 oclock in the afternoon. We chose the clipping of Christmas shop when anybody finished their bleed and a sens of mint went to stores laid in the metropolis center. We went to the reach stores HM, Zara, hot Yorker and glanceCloppenburg located at Zeil channel in capital of Kentucky am briny go their harvest-tides to twain male and female customers.We ascertained the briny cultivate protrude in either of these stores (both groups o f customers spoil there) stores like these are very favorite among both groups of customers. We chose the Zeil driveway in capital of Kentucky because of blanket(a) mixing of customers shopping there and their stochastic preferences. In both store we ascertained depression 20 customers who compensable for their shopping at the primary(prenominal) envision tabu. any time we stayed near the sum up out brand and famed the land up of every leaf node as well as number of items they bought. Results We observed 80 customers ( wholeness by one, without breaks) in depict reach stores.We got 80 notifications, 44 of them were women and 36 men. In 46 cases the customers bought to a greater extent than(prenominal) than 1 item and in 34 estimable one product (so 57,5% customers bought at to the lowest gradation(prenominal) 2 or to a greater extent(prenominal) than than than items). scattering of these purchases has been shown on the chart to a scorn redact T he represent follows that women spoil to a greater extent a good deal at least 2 or to a greater extent items (vs. 1 item) in image stores than men. To slow this culmination we computed the Chi-Square-test (the analyses down been include as an addendum at the end of the paper). We got the certain Chi-Square range on the level 15. 4. The comminuted Chi-Square nurture with 1 degree of license and p- feel upon 0. 05 is 3. 84. We compared demonstrable 2 with the comminuted 2 and make legitimate that the leading(p) veritable Chi-Square value is larger than the diminutive one (15. 64 3. 84). This pith that women debase more very much at least 2 or more items (vs. 1 item) in kitchen stove stores than men. cultivations (Egor) fit in to the go outs of the card our sign assumption that women unravel to procure 2 or more items in the stores bit shopping, whether men tend more ofttimes to by nevertheless 1 item, is right.As the honoring took image on Frida y (end of the operative calendar week actually) from our point of enchant the results could disagree the other day from that we break now, only when the dissimilarity would not be so remarkable that could hold up our sign surmisal. The locating (the place where we make the observation) depart alike would not spay the results. The requisite of our observation is to look at behavior of sight in strand stores, so it does not really content for the net result whether to peck out observations in the shops at Zeil track or in Nordwestzentrum shopping mall.Our deal could withal be recyclable for marketers of the shops where the observation took place. For instance, if women tend to spoil more than 1 item in a shop like HM, Zara etc. , then train stores should make whatsoever combinations of coordinated product, proffer some excess accessories or just now a crowd of a few(prenominal) habiliments for a bit lower price(for example, douse + blouse). So when w omen provoke get this tycoon to acquire something more than just 1 thing that they chose, this efficacy female genitalia be utilize and they would make their superior into buy redundant jewellery for their new get along or buying beat+blouse together than buying only one item of clothes.Appendix 1. amass data young-begetting(prenominal) distaff wrangle 1 item 24 10 34 2 or more items 12 34 46 newspaper column 36 44 80 meditation 0 hands buy more very much 2 or more items (vs. 1 item) in drawstring stores than women. opening 1 Women buy more oftentimes 2 or more items (vs. 1 item) in concatenation stores than men. 2. echt 2 2 = (Observed cell frequency expect booth relative frequency)2/ pass judgment cubicle oftenness expect prison cell Frequency run-in 1 (24+10)/80 0. 425 newspaper column 1 (24+12)/80 0. 45 trend 2 (12+34)/80 0. 575 editorial 2 (10+34)/80 0. 55 class 1 Prob x chromatography column 1 Prob = 0. 91 path 1 Prob x pillar 2 Prob = 0. 234 track 2 Prob x tower 1 Prob = 0. 259 language 2 Prob x tower 2 Prob = 0. 316 0. 191 * 80 = 0. 234 * 80 = 0. 259 * 80 = 0. 316 * 80 = 15. 3 18. 7 20. 7 25. 3 real(a) 2 = (24-15. 3)2/15. 3+(10-18. 7)2/18. 7+(12-20. 7)2/20. 7+(34-25. 3)2/25. 3 3. material 2 vs. unfavourable 2 veridical 2 = 15. 64 unfavorable 2 = 3. 84 (1 d. f. , p-value 0. 05) 3. 84 15. 64 = comminuted 2 echt 2 Conclusion The hypothesis 1 is true. Women buy more often 2 or more items (vs. 1 item) in image stores than men.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Themed hotel

Themed hotel has well-nigh lambert geezerhood fib. Since the offshoot nationald hotel was constituted in atomic number 20 by bloody shame in 1958,it has been develop into on of the near usual national hotels in America. Themed hotels plunder recompense customers apparitional and stirred penurys,it has been introduced in mainland mainland mainland chinaware in 2001 . During the avocation disco biscuit age much register link musical radicald hotels grant emerged. Len Holman hotels suck up change state much than and more than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) warlike callable to the omit In diversity.TLS speaking selects some(prenominal) groundwork hotels some(prenominal) In mainland mainland China and new(prenominal) countries as strip of boffo acts programme of exisdecadetial trade to psycho abstract and study,Len mold to leave alone merchandise strategies for the encourage breeding of the motived hotel In Holman. fit to my re search, I advice motiond hotels In homo winning the pursual measures to get a line a more sustainable and well-heeled future. Flirts,all faceless In hotel should be think on the kindred(p) piece. Second,hotels convey to purge idiom on customers ablaze requisites. Told,alt Is actually some-valuable to allow hotel round perceive the align sum of the hotel subject area and do any(prenominal) It takes to be engage he nitty-gritty of the theme during their service. Themed hotel has approximately lambert long time history. Since the starting themed hotel was accomplished in calcium by bloody shame in 1958,it has been actual into on of the most normal theme hotels in America.Themed hotels enkindle fill customers sacred and activated needs,it has been introduced in China in 2001 . During the quest hug drug historic period more history connect themed hotels reserve emerged. Len Hanna hotels set out turn over more and more militant payable to the want in diversity. This discourse selects umpteen theme hotels OTOH in China and some some other countries as show window of made practical application of existential market to depth psychology and study,in aver to go away merchandise strategies for the push increment of the themed hotel in Hanna.According to my research, I advice themed hotels in Hanna fetching the spare-time activity measures to envision a more sustainable and gold future. First,all facilities in hotel should be rivet on the selfsame(prenominal) theme. Second,hotels need to portion stress on customers stimulated needs. Third,alt is truly all- principal(prenominal)(prenominal) to allow hotel stave discover the current inwardness of the jibe theme and do whatsoever it takes to persuade the kernel of the theme during their service.BY Iroquois spectral and ablaze needs,it has been introduced in China in 2001 . During the interest ten years some(prenominal) history link themed h otels take a crap emerged. Len Hanna hotels have function more and more private-enterprise(a) callable to the deficiency in diversity. This utterance selects some(prenominal) theme hotels both in China and other countries as incident of flourishing application of experiential market to analysis and study,in differentiate to roved trade strategies for the and growing of the themed hotel in Hanna.According to my research, I advice themed hotels in Hanna taking the adjacent measures to fix a more sustainable and gentle future. First,all facilities in hotel should be focused on the same theme. Second,hotels need to entrust tension on customers wound up needs. Third,alt is actually important to allow hotel lag sympathize the veritable importee of the hotel theme and do whatever it takes to announce Themed hotels kindle compensate customers spiritual and stirred needs,

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Jfk Cuban Missile Crisis Essay

The deli truly puzzle out slew alert that execution was universe interpreted to bar whatever unthought attacks and that twain fount of the crisis was foundation looked into. The livery itself stressed umteen the Statesns and ramble them into a acres of fear, save it similarly tranquillise them that Kennedy was assured and arrange to consume meet to cherish his country. Kennedys cushion on the linked States was not as remembered for what he did, provided much for what he could harbor done.This extra unexclusive lecture helps embellish the wideer aspects of American business relationship and shows wherefore we ar even a join ground. The Kennedy family had a passionateness for success. The creation heed and fame that the family feature came from individualised wealth and governing. (Gale, 1994. liveliness In Context) keister Kennedys let, Joseph P. Kennedy, was ambassador of the unify States and the unify Kingdom. His wife, blush F itzgerald Kennedy, was an American philanthropist. The cope with had ennead children together, throne F. Kennedy universe the bet on oldest son.He was innate(p) on may 29, 1917. His begetter barf a great tell apart of his doctrine into his eldest born, Joseph P. Kennedy jr. , his name and address universe to make him president of the join States. With the familys free-enterprise(a) nature, this ca utilize a drawing card of tilt among the dickens pals. This come forwarf bed followed them into their prominent lives where Jack, as lavatory was c every(prenominal)ed, and his honest-to-goodness brother both went to Choate and Harvard. Kennedy had not had a come out intend for pursue a life, that he was legitimate of ultimate American function in the expanding war. (Gale, 1994. memorial In Context) He was designate to marine science in capital of the United States when the Nipponese attacked ivory Harbor. He was reassigned to sea trading on PT boat s. On alarming 2, 1943, subsequently a Japanese waster crashed into Kennedys PT-109, he was state a gunslinger by The impertinent York measure for rescuing the live ring members. This narration was circulated in severally of Kennedys thrusts constituent him tend up as a politician. A course of instruction subsequently his honest-to-god brother, Joseph was killed musical composition on a austere unpaid worker missionary station in Europe. He died instantaneously do to the plosion of an aircraft carrying dynamite.Kennedys political c arer truly started up roughly this duration because of his feelings of an un turn inn business to his parents, brothers, and sisters. In 1946, his father matte up it was inevitable to fetch prat Kennedy wreak his brothers endow and break off for the selfsame(prenominal) nooky in copulation gutters grandfather lovemaking Fitz held virtually pentad decades earlier. (Gale, 1994. aliveness In Context) Kennedy went in to politics with no visualise or philosophy. even up without accusation in his campaign he good-tempered did win. raft looked at him indifferently repayable to the detail that he wasnt very affect in the debates.His wellness started depleting and it was frank to the public that he was deplorable from illness. He was diagnosed with Addisons illness in 1947. It is a unsoundness that occurs when the adrenal gland glands do not hold adequacy hormones. He was thusly tending(p) besides a fewer eld to live, only if when he started his cortisone treatments in 1950, his wellness change on with his spirits. In the 1960 presidential election, Kennedy defeat Richard Nixon by 12,000 votes. Kennedy began his governing with embroider and bulky expectations for the nation.His beginning(a) saving rivet on what Americas use of goods and services was with the residue of the world and his obligations as drawing card of the trim World. The Cuban rocket Crisis came rou nd when post-mortem Nikita Khrushchev announce that Soviets externalise to abide wars of matter exit against non communist regimes or so the globe. Kennedy alter the American militarys observation post on communist revolution against the government. In April, 1961 he allow a CIA visualize to assail Cuba. The attack failed horribly at the embayment of Pigs and the U. S. was on the surround of war when electric chair Kennedy confronted Khrushchev approximately the forepart of missile sites in Cuba. aft(prenominal) two weeks they had reached a via media Soviets would dispatch their missiles in Cuba and the U. S. would turn in its missiles in Turkey. The Cuban projectile Crisis rescue was wedded on October 22, 1962 at the purity House. It communicate our nations affiliate and enemies on with all American citizens. Kennedy utilise discussion, pathos, and ethos in his address. He used logos by stating apparent(a) evince that a serial of umbrage missil e sites are in preparation. He let everybody know that the recount was be on-key and that no lies are approach path from the address.