Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ammonia Stripping vs Ion Exchange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ammonia Stripping vs Ion Exchange - Essay Example It is recovered as a gas by raising pH of water with alkaline addition such as caustic or lime (EPA 1). The procedure is enhanced by increasing the operating temperature of tower (Henze and van Loosdrecht 140). Two types of towers are used in ammonia stripping i.e. cross flow and counter current. A cross flow tower permits the solvent gas (air) into total depth of fill and flows through the packing as the alkaline waste water flows downward. On the other hand, in a counter current tower, air enters through openings at the bottom as waste water is propelled to the top of packed tower. Free NH3 is converted into air stream from falling water and discharged into atmosphere (EPA 1) Advantages and disadvantages of ammonia stripping: It is a simple mechanical process which is not affected by waste water fluctuations and is not disrupted by presence of toxic substances given the air temperature and pH remains stable. It creates no back wash or regenerations. On the other hand, ammonia strip ping has several disadvantages which include higher maintenance costs and power requirement for pumping. It does not remove nitrite or organic nitrogen. Air pollution problems may occur due to NH3 reaction and high pH may corrode the wood of stripping tower (EPA 2).

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